NWSA Walks/Flights/Gatherings
NWSA Emmaus Gathering
Sunday, March 9, 2025
NW Hills MC
It’s not Emma_s without U!
Potluck Supper begins at 5:00 PM
Worship 6:15-7:30 P.M.
Your food agape for the potluck supper is appreciated.
Grace abounds so please come even if don’t bring food –
there is always an abundance.
Wear your lanyard, name badge and bring your worship book that you used on your Walk.
Location: NW Hills GMC,
7575 Tezel
San Antonio, TX 78250
Join us for fellowship, a fourth day talk, and worship. Bring a friend to share in the Emmaus fellowship and worship. All are welcome!
NWSA Walk to Emmaus
Pilgrim Applications for a NWSA Walk Pilgrim.App.2022.Final2
Don’t just sponsor; Be a confident and supportive sponsor – For Sponsorship guidelines visit –
Pillow and Conference Room Agape for pilgrims and team is always appreciated – Use the name of your reunion group or church, but please do not use individuals’ names. We want all pilgrims to feel equally loved. 63 pieces of agape covers team and pilgrims; 36 pieces of agape for pilgrims.
Each Walk has a Walk specific pilgrim application. To download the application for a NWSA Emmaus Walk, tap the green link https://nwsaemmaus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Pilgrim.App_.2022.Final2_.pdf
Face to Face Encounter is in the Emmaus tradition for adults age 60+ (yes, you can attend if you have previously attended a Walk)
For information visit http://facetoface.upperroom.org
Do you desire a deeper, more meaningful walk with the risen Christ?
Hope for Christ’s love to be made real in every relationship you have?
Wish to make a deeper impact on the world and your community of faith by living a life centered on Jesus,
then ……. Face to Face is for you!
A Face to Face Encounter is 8 sessions, 9 AM – 12 noon, Mon. Wed., Fri. for 2 weeks – July 28-Aug.8, 2025, plus Wed. August 13 and Sat. August 16.
Location: Bracken Methodist Church, 20377 FM2252, SAT 78266
Lay Director: Clara Bennett; Spiritual Director: Rev. Karen Stocks; Board Rep: Chivi Dagg
For information contact Clara Bennett, 443-567-2249 or clarabennett@att.net
We are collecting agape for the Encounter. Agape does not have to be the same.
Face to Face is for men and women 60 years or older.
Apply now.
Space is limited. Registration closes July 15. Pilgrim fee – $46.00; New Life Registrar, NLECRegistrar@gmail.com